Who We Are
M&A İJADEH is a foreign, mid-market investment entity located in Ankara, registered in Turkey (Ankara chamber of commerce) under registration number 442920 as MA İJADEH DANIŞMANLIK ZİRAAT BİLGİ TEKNOLOJİSİ İTHALAT İHRACAT VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ.
We have built the firm on strong foundation of intellectual capabilities. Our founder team has extensive experience in MENA markets (18 years in the Gulf Region) and around 5 years in the Turkish market.
As expressed in our slogan, we believe in “Sharing Success”. Hence, our consultancy services are driven by the extensive expertise of our trading teams and consultants along with adopting the highest standards of risk mitigation management for both fundamental and technical analysis.
Our investments portfolio includes FDI, Marketing studies, B2B relations, Real estates, working on behalf of sovereign investor with an inventive mindset. We strategically deliver comprehnsive “A to Z” consultancy services for project’s life cycle to deliver sustainable objectives.
In addition, our consulting services also involve local Turkish production sector, whether industrial, agricultural, service, or commercial. In securing partners for them outside the Turkish market, especially the Arabic and African markets.
We strive to provide Consultancy services with added value perspective.
In Short ..................We Value Values
What we do
We work responsibly through considered management of people and resources, and our agile investment strategy is centered on our three core values:
Assist, Promote, and Accomplish.
Assist, Promote, and Accomplish.
Assisting others to grow.
Defining a shared strategy and ethical business relations.
Promoting best practices and sustainable investments.
Completion ambitious objectives and exceeding target return.
Supporting entities navigate foreign market, especially through hard times.
Why we do it
Building records of successful references summaries our ethos that better values lead to better investments, hence result in better returns. This is our ambition.
That’s why we recognize our objectives through our slogan at İJADEH “Sharing Success”, and while we acknowledge that legitimate risks free opportunities don’t exist, we will not compromise such, either for İJADEH or its Partners through mitigating uncontrolled expected risk factors.